Heroism in Hemingway’s Works.doc

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Abstract: Hemingway is one of the most significant writers in the world. 

He is also the representative writer of the Lost Generation. He has created so many great works and vivid protagonists in the world literature. All his great novels have shared a common theme-the principle of code hero. The heroism in Hemingway’s works has gone through three periods represented by his several most famous novels. The first period is represented by the novel The Sun also Rises, which has set his unmovable foundation as the father of the Lost Generation. The second period is represented by his two novels A Farewell to Arms and For Whom the Bell Tolls, while the last period of heroism is represented by The Old Man and the Sea, which earns him the Nobel Prize. In this essay, the heroism in Hemingway’s works and how Hemingway himself is related to his code hero are discussed with the three periods in concentration.


Key words: heroism; code hero; The Old Man and the Sea
