How to Use Multimedia to Enhance L2 Learning and Acquisition in Classroom.doc

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Abstract: In China, the application of multimedia in classroom has become an indispensable part in L2 learning and acquisition. With the highly developed science and technology, the updated science and technology has pushed the TEFL (Teaching English as Foreign Language) into a new stage The advantages of multimedia in classroom are apparent to us. However, according to the researches in the classrooms of China, the multimedia instructional method can not be appropriately used in the practice and the advantages of which do not appear in the process of teaching. How should we make use of multimedia in foreign language teaching in classroom? How should we deal with the relationship between teachers, students and multimedia? How should we combine the advantages of multimedia with the psychological development of students? How should we foster students’ communicative competence in classroom with multimedia? The thesis is an attempt to find the problems in the process of teaching and learning from the angle of teachers and construct an “input+output” model of multimedia foreign language teaching in classroom against the basic linguistic theories and psychological theories and teaching methodologies.


Key word: multimedia; TEFL; model
