Inspirations from “Tiger Mom” and “Wolf Dad” concerning Family Education.doc

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Abstract: There is no denying that traditional family education is still exercised  in many Chinese families. Traditional family education has its own features and approaches, which focus on cultivating children’s moral spirit and behaviors. The family education concepts and approaches practiced by Tiger Mom and Wolf Dad have some characteristics of traditional Chinese family education, because both of them are good at using strict ways of family education. But there are many different viewpoints from different walks of life on the two successful family education cases. By analyzing these two typical cases and different viewpoints, the author concludes that a successful  family education depends on many aspects. It is important to build a harmonious family environment and an individualized family education, and parents should pay more attention to communicating with their children, rather than measuring their children’s success only by academic achievements. It is important for parents to make a proper understanding of success and a suitable education approach for their children. Thus, a successful family education can be achieved.  


Key words: Tiger Mom; Wolf Dad; traditional family education; inspirations; introspections
