Life is a Stage—Brief Analysis on the Broken Empty American Dream in The Great Gatsby.doc

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Abstract: F. Scott Fitzgerald is one of the greatest novelists in the world. The Great Gatsby he wrote makes him the crown writer in the Jazz Age. In the American literature, millions of books are associated with the American dreams. And The Great Gatsby is an outstanding and realistic masterpiece of work which can reveal the truth of the American dream, so it is worth to be studied. The story of Gatsby’s is a typical one. In the book, F. Scott Fitzgerald shows us how Gatsby, a young man of humble origin struggles to become a rich man. He also shows us the social background of the Jazz Age. He also provides us with a picture of a luxurious upper class, a cold and unconcerned society which shows us the American upper class is indulged in the material needs and emptiness in spiritual pursuit after the World War Two. Fitzgerald uses delicate words and technique of expression like symbolism and contrast to impress readers vividly. This paper focuses on the analysis the story and social background. Conflicts exist between reality and dreams. I will catch the details in The Great Gatsby to show you the dramatic and tragic life of Jay Gatsby and represent you that the American dream is inevitably dashed to the ground. 


Key words: F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby, broken American dream
