Metaphors in the Translation of Business English.doc

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Abstract: The study of metaphor has experienced two stages: traditional metaphor and cognitive metaphor. According to the theories of cognitive linguistics, metaphor is frequently used in our daily life. In the field of business, economists always use metaphors to explain or describe economic terms so that non-professional readers can understand these terms. For translators of business news, they have to, if they want to make good translation for Chinese readers, understand the mechanism of conceptual metaphor, and summarize the common used metaphors in business news. In addition, they have to understand the different cultural backgrounds of the news so that they can balance the best version of translation. Finally, they need to know some translation theories. This thesis discusses some theories on metaphor, translation, explores translation methods from the perspective of conceptual metaphor, and summarizes the common used metaphors in business news. Translators can get a glimpse of metaphor translation from this thesis.


Key Words: metaphor; business news; translation; cognitive linguistics
