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Abstract:The discussions of Oscar Wilde start from Victorian era and never ceased till today. This novel intrigued those discussions by its publication and marked the beginning of Wilde’s legendary life. Although it was written in 1891, the fate of the protagonist in this novel seemed to predict Wilde’s own life. The witty words of Lord Henry, the kindness of Basil, the dream-like life of Dorian Gray, all resembled some part of Wilde himself. 

  The contradictory moral values of the three protagonists seemed to come from the inside of Wilde. By analyzing the three characters, I will research contradictory moral value reflects in Wilde’s real life and prove that the three protagonists was artistic symbols that embodied Wilde’s own features. The paper seeks to do research trough the novel and presents to the reader a true Wilde and his moral values.

Key Words: Oscar Wilde    moral values   contradiction




关键词: 王尔德 道德观 矛盾
