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Abstract:The world economic crisis has serious influence on the Chinese economy, especially on its exports. This paper starts from the current situation of foreign trade in Guangzhou, and focusing on the impact of the world economic crisis on Guangzhou’s foreign trade and about policies and strategies to solve the present problems of foreign trade adopted by Guangzhou government. With the gradual improvement of world economic crisis, economic development in our country is getting better and better. In order to solve its problems in foreign trade, Guangzhou government has adopted some effective policies and strategies and the result is good. Furthermore, with the better development of relative policies and strategies to be further implemented, Guangzhou will completely solve the present problems of foreign trade.

   Undoubtedly, Guangzhou will go out of difficulties of present foreign trade. We have the reasons to believe Guangzhou will become one of the top cities for foreign trade and will make more contribution to the economical development of our country.

Key words: Guangzhou; foreign trade; financial crisis; problems; strategies



关键词:广州, 对外贸易, 金融危机, 问题, 对策
