
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-14
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Abstract:Foreign language becomes more and more important in the world, and the research on foreign language learning and teaching became quite a few teachers' and researchers' main concern. Motivation has been considered a key factor to successful language learning. Students with strong motivation can always achieve greater success. 

   Motivation plays a very important role in learning English, and is one of the most essential factors of achieving success. The learning motivation can be generally divided into: intrinsic interest; immediate achievement; going abroad; learning situation; social responsibility; individual development; information medium. Learning motivation plays an important role in English studying, and can also lead to higher grades. 

    This study is about the situation of English learning motivation between junior English major students and senior English major students. This study will analyze the situation of English learning motivation and motivational intensity among junior English major students and senior English major students with research questionnaires.  .

Key Words:Situation of English Learning Motivation, Types of Motivation,English teaching




