
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-14
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Abstract:The frequent use of passive voice in English, especially in science and technology articles, has aroused the attention of language experts both in China and abroad. In China, English passive voice has been scientifically researched due to the efforts made by a great amount of experts in this field. The significance of it is that it provides convenience to the more and more frequent cultural and technological exchange as well as the research between China and the west, eliminates communication barriers, and makes as much balance as possible during the process of translating the two languages from each other. 

   This dissertation focuses on the differences between Chinese and English and also the translation methods of English passive voice to Chinese translation. This research is based on and complements the previous studies. Before writing this dissertation, I have made reference to a large number of translation works. A large number of samples are cited to describe and analyze the differences of Chinese and English in the aspects of expression limits, scopes of application and forms of composition. At the same time, I have discussed about many translation methods of English passive voice. The main research tool of this dissertation is viewpoint citation and sample analysis.

Key Words: passive voice; differences; translation methods; expression habits




关键词: 被动式; 差异; 翻译方法; 表达习惯
