
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-14
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Abstract:With regard to the first-rate importance of a brand name to a company in identifying a company’s offering and distinguishing it from others, a good translation of a brand name is a necessary ingredient in the recipe of a company’s success. According to Eugene A. Nida’s Functional Equivalence theory, a brand name in the target language should also fulfill the same communicative functions as in the source language. Accordingly, in brand name translation we should not only follow the general linguistic rules but also achieve its function as a symbol for a company. Therefore the present research is dedicated to a close analysis on how the application of the word-formation processes performs as an effective way to achieve functional equivalence in Chinese brand name translation. It includes a brief introduction of the functions of a brand name, the word-formation processes in English, and Nida’s functional equivalence theory as a base for the study. With this base and some authentic English translations for Chinese brand names, the paper carries out a detailed analysis on how the five most frequently used word-formation processes, i.e. acronyms, compounding, borrowing, blending and coinage, are applied with the three essential translation techniques respectively in Chinese-English brand name translation. This research reveals that word-formation processes are virtually practical in translating Chinese brand names into English to achieve its communicative and marketing functions. The findings of this research are expected to illustrate also the advantages of applying word-formation processes in Chinese-English name translation. 

Key words: word-formation processes, trademark translation, functional equivalence



