
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-14
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Abstract:Globalization is the developing tendency of today’s world, and as the world is going to develop following this tendency, intercultural communication is necessary. To carry out successful intercultural communication requires not only good language competence but much knowledge about the religion, culture, worldview, values, etc. of other countries. Neglect any of them will inevitably cause failure in intercultural communication.

   Religion, as a crucial component of culture, plays a vital part in intercultural communication. The Holy Bible is considered to be a classical religious masterpiece as well as an important foundation of western culture. Its teaching and ideology helped to establish western culture and bring about the formation of western countries’ daily conventions. Since the Bible was translated into English hundreds of years ago, its influence on the English language has never ceased.

   In this thesis, the author focuses on the Bible and ventures to explore how biblical values affect intercultural communication since the Bible is of great importance to Western people’s world views, ethics, customs, education, policy, literature, etc. This thesis emphasizes that the lack of biblical knowledge and the lack of knowledge about the Bible’s influence on English language may lead to misunderstanding or difficulties in communication, so the author gives examples of how the Bible has influenced English daily expressions, idioms, allusions, proverbs, literature, etc. Finally, the author provides some advice on how to reduce impediments in intercultural communication from a religious aspect.

Keywords: religion; the Holy Bible; intercultural communication





