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Abstract:Charles ·Dickens is one of the greatest novelists of 19th century in Britain, who is called as the “the founder and the great representative of British critical realism”. Oliver Twist is the second famous saga novel of Charles ·Dickens. So Oliver Twist is thought to be a realistic novel to reflect the society for it describes the darkness and rough scuff of British society, and exposures the real nature of capitalism. There is no doubt of these. However, there is also romanticism involved in this novel according to Charles ·Dickens’s life background, language style and plots of this novel. This paper not only focuses on realism reflected in Oliver Twist, but also tries to find out how romanticism presented in this book, moreover, this paper pays attention to how the author combines realism and romanticism together in this novel.

Key Words: Oliver Twist; Charles ·Dickens; romanticism; realism; combination



关键词:《雾都孤儿》;查尔斯·狄更斯; 浪漫主义; 现实主义; 结合
