
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-16
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Abstract:English is playing a bigger and bigger role in fields of global communication and trade as the development of economies. The needs for learning are becoming greater especially to university students. However, English is a difficult language to master, in which vocabulary is the particularly difficult part. Every English learner more or less encounters some difficulties in memorizing vocabulary. As usual, learners think that it takes time to memorize words efficiently.  And they are easily forgetful of them. Such situation leads them to memorize the words reluctantly and to acquire unsatisfied test scores, or even to give up learning English. Why? It’s the reason that every word associating with things becomes less in our brain. Also, learning by rote is desperate, so a more evolved method shall be adopted. So far, there have been thousands of methods about memorizing vocabulary, why don’t we use previous experience and research results for learning English? 

   Base on the researching of linguistics and analyzing of characters of vocabulary, this essay will introduce the method of association related to morphology. Unfamiliar words will finally become our close friends through this method. Hopefully this method will provide English learners with a new way of learning.

Keyword: memorizing words; morphology, associate way of learning




