
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-16
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Abstract:In the 21st century today, news becomes a part of life of every modern person. It has an important significance of understanding news headlines language characteristics to a better understanding and reading English news. The purpose of this paper is to analyze English news headlines characters to help readers to better understand English news. About English news characters, there are three main parts of this paper—words characters, grammar characters and rhetoric characters. The present study uses illustrating methods, literature research methods and comparing methods to analyze characters of English news headline from a number of different kinds of national and foreign newspapers. Through analyzing these examples, it is found that the particular characters of English news headline enable readers attract news and make them fast and accurate to get the message of news. It also plays an important role to help different areas people to know news more easily and transmit world news more quickly. From these results, we hope that this study will inspire readers to be interested in news and to understand news more easily.

Key word: English news; news headline; characters of news



