
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-17
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Abstract:English education of preschool children is one of the foundations in school education. This thesis begins with a brief introduction to the necessity and significance of English education of preschool children, and with exploration of the feasibility as well as importance in English education of preschool children. The objective of English education of preschool children is to create a learning environment and to provide children with opportunities that they can develop holistically together with their peers. Meanwhile, according to the aim, the children and their parents are also involved into the planning of English education of preschool children. This thesis analyzes the two advantages of learning English, two concepts about young children of Montessori and five factors that influence English education of preschool children. From the analysis above, it is safely to draw the conclusion that preschool children learning English, which is feasible and important, will inevitably affect the children’s development. Therefore, in order to ensure the growth and success of children, channels of English education of preschool children need to be established, and factors that influence English education of preschool children should be noticed, and both the parents and the teachers ought to devote themselves into the process of children’s healthy growth and all-round development.

Key words: preschool children; education; development; English


摘  要:学前儿童英语教育是学校教育的基础之一。本篇论文从学前儿童英语教育的必要性和意义入手,探讨了学前儿童英语教育的可行性和重要性。学前儿童英语教育的目的是创造一个学习环境和提供一个能和其他同龄人共同发展的机会,同时它也把儿童和他们的父母卷入到学前儿童英语教育的计划中来。这篇论文分析了儿童学习英语的两个优势,蒙台梭利的两个儿童观和五个影响学前儿童英语教育的因素。结果表明学前儿童学习英语是可行的,也非常重要。它将影响儿童的发展。因此,为了保证儿童的成长和成功,应该建立学习渠道,注意学前儿童英语教育的因素,同时也要求父母和老师为此做出努力。

