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Abstract:The paper discusses the function of literary character’s name and the use of words that comes from these names. In English and American literature, many characters are so successfully created that their names become household words. The character’s name often reveals the author’s attitude towards the character and the personality of the bearer. Famous names from literature always evoke a vivid image in people’s mind. Understanding the derived meaning of words that come from literary characters’ names can help us better communicate with native speakers.

Key words: characters’ names; symbolization; derivation


摘  要:本文主要讲了英美文学作品中人名的作用及其引申意义。人名反映了作家的观点立场和人物性格。文学名著中的人名让人们在脑海中留下了深刻的印象。许多成功的人物形象变得家喻户晓,众所周知。作品广泛流传后,人名转变为内涵丰富和寓意深刻的词语。明白了其中所包含的深层含义,将有助于我们更好地与人交流。

关键词:人物名; 象征; 派生
