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Abstract:Advertisements have permeated all aspects of people's life in the society of today. It mainly relies on advertising language, images, audio, etc. Advertisements move and attract consumers mainly by these form and advertising language is the most important. To achieve the advertising value of attention and memory, advertising makers always strive to make sentences and words on doing something unorthodox, used a lot of rhetoric devices to enable give readers a good impression. 

  The thesis analysises different rhetoric devices used lead different artistic effect. It illustrate how we should correctly use rhetoric devices to create outstanding advertising phrases to attract consumers. 

Key words: rhetorical devices; advertisement; effect; use


摘  要:广告已渗透到当今社会人们生活的各个领域, 它主要靠语言、画面、音像等吸引和打动消费者,而语言则是广告的主要表现形式。为达到广告的注意价值和记忆价值,广告制作人总是力求在谴词造句上标新立异,采用大量的修辞手法,使广告给读者留下了深刻的印象。


关键词:修辞手法  广告  效果  运用
