
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-17
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Abstract:With an analysis of the characterization of Robinson, the main character in Daniel Defoe’s novel Robinson Crusoe, this paper explores the positive influence of individualism on his life. The description of the life of Robinson on the isle has been combined with the discussion of the affirmation of his creation, his pioneering spirit and his wisdom against the challenge of survival crisis. In this paper, the evolution of the human society and the people’s adaptation to circumstances has been approached symbolically. The main concerns of this paper include Defoe’s concept of individualism, Robinson’s understanding of individualism and its values, the relationship between individualism and Robinson’s family and marriage, and the individualism and Robinson’s concept of society.

Key words: Daniel Defoe; Robinson Crusoe; individualism



