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Abstract:With a variety of frequent and deepening communication among the people of the countries in the world, the translation is increasingly important and prominent. But the translation practices have revealed that a good translated text is closely associated to the good understanding and application of the context. According to his deepening study of the context, Mr. Hu Zhuangling has broadly grouped it into a contextual knowledge system, and divided it into three levels: "(1) linguistic context, which is also known as context, refers to the structure and logic of its own coherence; (2) situational context that refers to the discourse involved in the specific scenes, events and participants; (3) cultural context, which is known as language articles involved in cultural and social background." 

  Broadly speaking, the purpose of translation is to help the target-language readers understand the different country's culture. However, in translation practice, the translators often encounter such a situation: the original does not contain any new words, but it is very difficult for them to understand and translate some parts with exotic culture into the understandable target language. And what is more, some mistranslation often occurs. The problem is due to the translators’ failing to understand the relevant background, knowledge, and the context of the original version. Actually, translation is not just a language problem, and it is also related to the cultural context of the original. 

Key words: communication; translation; context; understanding; the Gift of the Magi




