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Abstract:J.D. Salinger, one of the famous American contemporary novelists, achieved fame by his novel The Catcher in the Rye, which has exerted a great influence on many generations. This novel tells a story about how the hero lived in the New York City for two nights and his inner feelings. However, there are controversies on both the novel and the hero among critics.

   This thesis will focus on the protagonist in The Catcher in the Rye Holden, and on the process and significance of searching for his identity. The thesis will try to find out the main factors that influence his growing and the significance of searching, as well as to draw lessons from it for the growing up of young Chinese students today. The thesis will elaborate its research questions as follows and detect the overlapping part(s) of their answers: Why Holden is beloved by many adolescents even though he was dispirited by the circumstances? What is he actually looking for? In this process, what changes has he undergone? By analyzing Holden’s growing process, I will know something about the America social environment at that time as well as the symbolism in the novel. I will also learn how to analyze one’s character, action and psychology from different perspectives. Therefore I will have a better understanding of adolescents’ mind. Learning from Holden’s searching of identity we Chinese adolescents should know how to find our own positions. We will be brave enough to face the changing of sentiment cognition, social role and concept of values.

Keywords: Initiation novel,Adolescent,Identity


摘要:当代美国最负盛名的小说家之一J. D. Salinger的成名作《麦田里的守望者》影响了许多代人。小说主人公霍尔顿以第一人称的口吻讲述了一年前他在纽约一天两夜的生活经历以及他的内心情感变化。对于此书及其主人公霍尔顿这个人物,评论家褒贬不一。


