
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(isis)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-18
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Abstract:In the future, the war of marketing is the war of brand, in which there is a fierce competition among enterprises. How do second-class enterprises take good advantage of the present limited resource to contend with other enterprises to become the leading enterprises? How do unknown brand become known brand, and even, well-known brand?

   As we know, P&G is the most well-known brand in China. However, how does it succeed in becoming such a market giant among tens of thousands of enterprises in China? Undoubtedly, the answer is its outstanding marketing types.  This thesis will present the analysis of the secret of brand marketing types of P&G by using case study and draw a conclusion about the enlightenment to Chinese enterprises.

   The thesis will be divided into five parts as follows: introduction; brand marketing; P&G the typical example of brand marketing; the enlightenment to the development of Chinese enterprises and conclusion.

Key words:brand marketing;   Chinese enterprises;  enlightenment





关键词:品牌营销;  中国企业;  启示
