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Abstract:Feminism and indepedent personality is an often-written theme in American literature. The member of the wedding is supposed to be one of the representative works that reflects this theme. And other critics are focused on the usage of symbolism in the novel. But this thesis tries to analyze the novel from a brand new viewpoint :the feeling of loss in modern society.After tracing the background of the author and the era she lived in, there will be an analysis of the “independent personality”in the novel by 3 steps :Mcculers `s exeprience,the founding of characters in the  novel, the description of feminism and loneliness. And the analyses of the characters, the images, the symbols and analysis will be the key for us to understand the theme of  loss in the modern society.

Key words :feminism;  independent personality;  the feel of loss;  the images and the  symbols



关键词:女性主义  ;  个人独立  ;  迷失感  ;  孤独感  ;  心理意象
