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Abstract:Idiom is the figurtive language created by the whole world people in their daily lives and labor., which is also the language essence and the crysallization of people’s wisdom. Chinese idiom ,with the characteristic of profound meaning preserved from the long history, plays a vital status in Chinese language as well as the five thousand Chinese cultual essence. Appropriate use of Chinese idiom can enriched an article and help express the author’s wisdom and vision moe precisly . At the same time, it benefits the foreign cultural exchange and promotes the Chinese long history as well as the splendid culture. Through the analysis of conceptional structure and the comparison of the Chinese-English translation, the writer of this thesis tried to find out the breakthough techiniques from the angle of Chinese idiom. This thesis also involves the practical applicational problems in the ways of summing up seveal examples. 

Key words: translation skill; translation principle; the contraction of Chinese and English idioms; image, metaphor



关键词:翻译技巧; 翻译原则; 英汉成语对比; 形象; 喻义
