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Abstract:Interpretation is the process of transforming the source language into the target language. Different from translation, it has the characteristics of being spontaneous in language organization and instantaneous in passing on the meaning. Therefore, in order to provide a decent interpretation, interpreters should have some essential qualities, among which a wide range of knowledge is an important one. They should know something of everything. Besides good basic language skills, they should also be in possession of abundant extra-linguistic knowledge in order to help communication. In this paper, the author applies Daniel Gile’s Comprehension Equation to probe into the crucial role extra-linguistic knowledge plays in successful interpreting practice. Comprehension is a basic process of interpretation. Comprehension in interpretation results from knowledge of language, extra-linguistic knowledge and analysis. Based on Gile’s Interpretation Equation, the author has provided some suggestions on how to acquire the knowledge needed for a specific task.

Key words: Daniel Gile; Comprehension Equation; extra-linguistic knowledge; knowledge acquisition



