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Abstract:Emily Dickinson,a recluse whose poetry was not published until after her death, wrote altogether 1,775 poems of startling originality and freshness. Since the complete edition of her poems was published in 1955, Emily Dickinson, with her poetry, has attracted more and more attention from the common readers as well as the literary critics. Emily Dickinson is considered one of the most original 19th Century American poets. She is noted for her unconventional broken rhyming meter and use of dashes and random capitalisation as well as her creative use of metaphor and overall innovative style.

   She was a deeply sensitive woman who questioned the puritanical background of her Calvinist family and soulfully explored her own spirituality, often in poignant, deeply personal poetry. Her poetry is sometimes brooding and sometimes joyous and celebratory. Her sophistication and profound intellect has been lauded by laymen and scholars alike and influenced many other authors and poets into the 21st Century. 

   She is now widely regarded as one of the greatest and the most original poets in American history. This thesis attempts to explore the images and Gothic atmosphere, in which metaphors and symbols are frequently employed, so as to appreciate Dickinson’s poetry and aesthetic view.

Key words: Emily Dickinson; image; symbol; metaphor; Gothic atmosphe


摘要:艾米莉·狄金森生于马萨诸塞州的阿莫斯特,是美国最富传奇性,也是最孤独、自闭的伟大女诗人,写过一千七百多首令人耳目一新的短诗,但生前只发表了7首。她一生未嫁,很少与外界接触,时常身穿白衣,与花园为伴,过着隐居的生活,但这种平淡的生活并没有抹去她的创作灵感,相反的是,她的头脑里充满了丰富的想象力,对永生,死亡,自然有独到的认识和见解。对她,孤独并不可怕,也不会毁了一个人,反而更能安抚生命的苦恼与骚动,活出自己的价值来。她的诗风独特,以文字细腻、观察敏锐、意象突出著称,善于运用比喻,象征,将她天马行空的想象发挥到极致。她珠辉玉丽般的独特诗句,凝聚着深厚的情感和创造性的智慧. 迪金森的爱情诗里,有强烈表达的眷恋,已经证明不可能知道谁她的感情对象,也不知道她的诗歌想象成分有多少。她作品里的首要紧迫感来源不同,有她无力接受那个时代的正统宗教信仰,还有她对精神安慰的渴望。她把永恒称之为“洪水对象”,她既恭敬又反叛,用带有绝望的不确定性的诗句,来修改信仰的可信陈述。她的诗句,因其格言形式而著称,其机智,其韵律的微妙变化和押韵的无规则,其陈述的直接,和其大胆惊人的想象,赢得了20 世纪诗坛的广泛称赞并对其有重要的影响。1955年,她的完整的诗集一出版,不仅得到读者的关注,也吸引了文学评论家。她被誉为美国最伟大,最有创造力的诗人。



