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Abstract:Product positioning refers to the part of brand identification which is often used for the purpose of consumer advertising. It aims at building a strong brand name and differentiating itself from the competitors effectively as well as owning a unique position in the minds of consumers. Product positioning is the key element to the successful marketing of any organization in any market. On the one hand, a good product positioning helps to guide marketing strategies by clarifying what a brand is all about, how it is unique and how it is similar to competitive brands, and why consumers should purchase and use the brand. On the other hand, it is a strategy with a high requirement of skills that confine to scientific thinking. Therefore, product positioning should take strategies and methods into account, and this is what my dissertation intends to research and probe into. In the views of how to establish product positioning and powerful brands, my article in accordance with quoting and introducing some common and newly-appeared strategies for product positioning. At the same time, it analyses and proves these strategies through case study.  

Key words: Product Positioning; Positioning Strategies; Target Market



