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Abstract:In present traditional teaching, teachers are often the dictators in the classes where they desperately hope students can succeed. But they often neglect students’ emotions, and it may result in the happening of tragedy. The famous American movie Dead Poets Society directed by Peter Will shows us a great American male teacher who use the new way to teach students, under the huge pressure of the traditional education and the strong doubt. The movie displays us his education philosophy concentrating on equality, creation and love. The philosophy of Life Education, thinking and behavior, included in the movie, can give us some implication which is the transforming from the traditional teaching to Life Education. As teachers, we are supposed to keep expanding our thoughts, and encouraging students to think and creat bravely. At the same time, we should care and love students, give them more understanding, respect and trust, and build the harmonious relationship with students.

Key Words: Traditional Teaching; Life Education; Education Philosophy



