
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(易小编)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-22
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Abstract:Twilight is a love story between a teenage girl Bella and a vampire Edward which was in the popular book series by Stephanie Meyer. Twilight, as the first saga of Mayer’s work, described a complicated story about their acquaintance, accompanied with each other and the determination of guarding their true love. It seems like a simple love story; however, it turned out to be more confused for their identities —human being and vampire. After Twilight was published, many scholars had given researches about it, but there were not systematic studies about the love between Edward and Bella. This thesis focuses on analyzing the love between Edward and Bella (humans and vampire) by using the triangular theory of love ,and conclude that their love was not obscene and different but pure and super. 

Key words: vampire; the Triangle Theory of Love;consummate love



