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Abstract:Toni Morrison is one of the most celebrated contemporary novelists in America. She was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1993, and she is also the first African American woman to win this honor. Beloved is considered as her masterpiece. Many people are attracted by its special narrative structure and a number of scholars explored its narrative arts. In order to help readers to have a good understanding of this novel, this paper tries to focus on its nonlinear -narrative structure, multiplicity of narrative voices,the interior monologue, multiple plot lines and narrative connections to discuss how Morrison used this special art to reflect on its theme and the characters’ sufferings. 

Keywords: Beloved; narrative perspective; nonlinear -narrative


摘 要:托妮·莫里森是当代美国文学界最伟大的小说家之一。她于1993年获诺贝尔文学奖,成为当今历史上第一位获此殊荣的非裔黑人女作家。小说 《宠儿》是其代表作,该小说独特的叙事技巧引起了人们浓厚的兴趣,许多学者对此进行了研究和探讨,本文从非线性叙事角度,多样的叙事声音,内心独白,多条叙事线索和叙事联系几个方面探讨莫里森如何通过多视角的叙事创作手法,揭示作品的主题和人物的心灵创伤,以期更好的理解其作品。

关键词:宠儿; 叙事视角; 非线性叙事
