
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(易小编)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-23
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Abstract:Language is the carrier of culture, culture is located in language. The color --- “black” is one of the basic color terms. Because of people’s different psychology, geographical condition, religion, ways of thinking, development of economy and political system, there are similar and different views on term “black” about its cultural connotation and translation between Chinese and English people.

 This paper uses the analytical approach and analyzes the differences and similarities of “black” in Chinese and English, and then introduces strategies in translating the color term “black”. This paper details the contrastive study of cultural connotations of term “black”. Also, the author analyzes the reasons for the different connotations of “black” in Chinese and English, which are illustrated by a sum of phrase sentences. Finally, the paper introduces the different translating methods to study the implication of term “black”. By comparing with the connotation of “black”, it is possible helpful to avoid the cultural barriers and convey the cultural message in cultural communication and translation practice.

Keywords: Color term “black”; Cultural connotation; Differences and similarities; Translation strategies


摘 要:语言是文化的载体,文化是语言的土壤。颜色词是极富表现力的语言。就黑色而言,因各民族心理,地理环境,思维方式,宗教信仰,经济发展和政治制度等背景的不同,英汉两种语言对颜色词“黑”在文化内涵和翻译上存在异同。


