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Abstract:From the 1960s, the study of linguistic sexism has been developed vigorously as the women’s liberation movement spread out. Generally, there are four approaches to the study of linguistic sexism: the feminist approach, the conventional approach, the approach from men’s study, and the sociolinguistic approach. The approach from men’s study is a completely new theory which appeared at the end of the 1980s. In the past, linguists home and abroad usually study the problem of linguistic sexism from the feminine perspective and few from the masculine perspective. This paper first of all summarizes the development stages of linguistic sexism study, followed by an introduction of several different approaches. Later, the article employs the approach of men’s study, attempting to compare the similarities of anti-male bias usage in English and in Chinese from three aspects, which are gender-exclusive language, gender-restrictive language, and masculinization of evil. With abundant examples, the paper aims at proving that the male, like the female, can be preys of linguistic sexism, arousing people’s attention to anti-male bias in language.

Key words: linguistic sexism; anti-male bias; similarity; English; Chinese



关键词:语言性别歧视; 男性偏见; 共同点; 中文; 英文
