
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(易小编)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-08-26
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Abstract:Traditionally metaphors are studied as rhetorical and lexical means, with fewer linguists focusing their researches on grammatical metaphor. In fact, grammatical metaphor is used extremely widely in a variety of English written texts. Grammatical metaphor is one of the important features of English business contracts. This paper aims to analyze the functions of grammatical metaphor in English business contracts. Of all the grammatical metaphors, the most frequently used ones in English business contracts are passive voice, modal verbs and nominalization. Through analyzing the examples of grammatical metaphor used in English business contracts, this paper suggests that these grammatical metaphors can make the English business contracts more formal, concise and precise. Using the metaphor, we can get a profound connotation and a mighty logicality. Therefore, analyzing the grammatical metaphor can help us know the tincture of business contracts and improve the validity of language performance.

Key words: grammatical metaphor; English business contracts; formal; concise; precise



