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Abstract:Thomas Hardy was one of the distinguished British critical realism writers of nineteenth century. Tess of D’Urbervilles was commonly regarded as Hardy’s magnum opus. This novel described a pure, simple, beautiful, kind and diligent girl, who became a murderer for some reasons and finally she took her life as cost. The author tried to reveal the distress of the British low class in the 19th century when the British capitalism invaded to the rural village and the small-peasant economy was collapsing. The subtitle of the novel refers to the main character of Tess as “a pure women” so as to challenge hypocritical social virtues of the Victorian period. The tragic factors of Tess of the D’Urbervilles are profound and complicated. The thesis will analyze the tragic causes by discussing the social background, such as the nature and the social morality of the society at that time; discussing the character of the main figures in the novel, such as Tess’ sacrifice, compromise and weakness, Alec’ shame, Angel’ hypocrisy and Tess parent’s irresponsibility; and discussing the author’s view of destiny and try to reveal the inevitability.

Key Words: Tess, tragic causes, character



