
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(皇族girl)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-04
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Abstract: This paper is to study the teaching of English reading in junior middle school based on the Communicative Approach. With the analyses of the problems existing in middle school English reading teaching, the author introduces the theoretical basis and the teaching principles of Communicative Approach, as well as the method of applying it to the Oxford junior middle school English teaching materials called Fun With English. Studies show that Communicative Approach is certainly helpful for improving middle school students' English reading ability. It can promote their interest in learning English, and the practical ability of using language. Through the case study,the author expects the study can enlighten the English reading teaching in junior middle school, improve students' reading ability, and enhance the teaching efficiency.

Key words: Communicative Approach; English reading teaching; junior high school 



关键词:交际法; 英语阅读教学;初中
