
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(皇族girl)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-04
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Abstract: Although China’s present situation of English teaching in the middle school is appreciable, there are still some outstanding problems. It seems that Chinese students are weak in communicative competence. The communicative language teaching (CLT), which regards “the improvement of communicative competence” as the goal of language teaching, is becoming more and more popular in China. The writer of this paper investigates and analyzes some problems in the application of CLT in oral English teaching in the middle school, through questionnaires and classroom observations. And then the writer makes some suggestions and proposes some possible solutions to the existing problems, with a view to improving spoken English teaching, such as switching roles of teachers, making a proper communicative test, dealing with a large class, integrating CLT with traditional methods, etc.

Key words: communicative language teaching; oral English teaching; suggestions; activities



