
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(艾米)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-14
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Abstract: The Color Purple is one of Alice Walker’s masterpieces, in which the black woman Shug Avery plays an irreplaceably important role, especially in terms of Womanism. After giving an introduction to Alice Walker and The Color Purple, this thesis then mainly discusses in detail the diverse roles of Shug in this novel: she serves as Celie’s savior, a dissenter, and a blues singer from the perspective of Womanism that the author advocates. The thesis aims at aiding the readers to know about Womanism and the liberation of black American women. and so to have a further understanding of the theme of the novel.  

Key words: The Color Purple; Shug Avery; role analysis; womanism 



