
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(艾米)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:14-09-14
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Abstract: Public sign is an integral part of language environment as well as humanistic environment in international metropolis and tourist attractions. As public signs begin to play increasingly important role in social activities, they become an indispensable part in various cross-cultural communication activities. The thesis starts with the introduction of functional features of public signs, and then explores procedures and methods in the English translation of public signs by analyzing some typical examples from the perspective of the principles of Skopos Theory, namely, skopos rule, fidelity rule, and coherence rule. And meanwhile it analyzes the choice of proper translation strategies, aiming to improve the accuracy of translations of public signs in tourist attractions.

Key words: public signs; Skopos Theory; translation strategy



