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In international trade, business English correspondence is an important means of mutual exchange and information transmission, and its significance on the success of business cooperation cannot be ignored. With the deepening of economic globalization, the practical significance of business English correspondence will only grow. A good business correspondence not only conveys the information, but also promotes cooperation between the two sides. Vagueness is one of the intrinsic feature of language, and vague language plays a very important role in interpersonal communicate. Vague language is a kind of pragmatic strategy, its flexible application in business English correspondence makes expression more precise and polite. The author analyses the application of vague language in business English correspondence by reviewing literature and text analysis. Firstly, the author reviews previous studies of vague language. Secondly, the author analyses the application of vague language in different types of business English correspondence. Finally, the author summarizes and puts forward some suggestions of using vague language. The purpose of this study is to improve English learners' understanding of the application of the vague language in business English correspondence and to provide some guidance and inspiration for their language learning.


Key words: vague language; business correspondence; pragmatic function





1 Introduction-1

2 Literature Review-2

2.1 Relevant Research at Home-2

2.2 Relevant Research Abroad-3

2.3 Vague Language-4

2.3.1 Vagueness and Types of Vague Language-4

2.3.2 Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language-4

3 The Application of Vague Language to Business English Correspondence-5

3.1 Establishing Business Relationship-6

3.2 Achieving Flexibility and Precision-7

3.3 Softening Complains,Claims and Cautions-9

4 Negative Effects and Using Notes in Terms of Applying Vague Language-10

4.1 Negative Effects-10

4.2 Using Notes-11

5 Conclusion-12
