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The Government Work Report (GWR) as a representative political text summarizes different areas of China and is an important channel for foreign countries to learn more about China. As an important component of GWR and the carrier of culture, abbreviations are one of the challenges for the translators to realize the cross-culture communication of GWR. The thesis concludes the major contents of the skopos theory and takes abbreviations in 2016 GWR as the object of study to construct a corpus and make a rough classification of applied translation strategies to study how the three dominant strategies: free, literal and explanatory translation conform to the three rules of skopos theory. Through the example analysis, this thesis reveals that the skopos theory is enlightening to the C-E translation of abbreviations and is applicable to various translation strategies. In addition, the principle of accuracy, naturalness and flexibility should be given consideration during the translation process. 

Key words: abbreviations in GWR; Skopos Theory; translation strategies





1 Introduction1

2 Literature review2

2.1 Definition of key terms2

2.1.1 Abbreviation..2

2.1.2 Skopos theory3

2.2 Previous studies on GWR abbreviation5

3 Translation methods under the guidance of skopos theory.6

3.1 Literal translation.7

3.2 Free translation..10

3.3 Explanatory translation.12

4 Conclusion14

