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The intercourse of business English correspondence gradually becomes an important component of commercial activities on account of economic globalization and the rapid development of international trade. But the misunderstanding and trade failure may appear if translators provide incorrect interpretation due to some special features of business English correspondence. Hence, plenty of methods on the basis of Nida’s theory of Functional Equivalence are applied to business English correspondence translation.

Firstly, this paper analyzes the development of Nida’s Theory of Functional Equivalence. Then it explores the definition and features of Business English Correspondence. Finally, it indicates the translation principles and skills of Business English Correspondence from the perspective of Nida’s Theory of Functional Equivalence.

Key words: Business English Correspondence; Functional Equivalence; Translation-





1. Introduction-1

1.1 Background and Significance of the Study-1

1.2 Structure of the Study-2

2. Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory-2

2.1 Formal Equivalence-3

2.2 Dynamic Equivalence-4

2.3 Functional Equivalence-4

3. An Introduction to Business English Correspondence-4

3.1 Definition of Business English Correspondence-5

3.2 Characteristics of Business English Correspondence-6

4. Business English Correspondence Translation Guided by Functional Equivalence Theory-9

4.1 The Principle of Business English Correspondence Translation Guided by Functional Equivalence Theory-10

4.2 The Translation Skills of Business English Correspondence Guided by Functional Equivalence Theory-11

5. Conclusion-15


