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With the rapid development of Chinese economy, automobile culture has arisen much attention in recent years both at home and abroad. Meanwhile, the multimodal metaphor in advertisements also arise the attention of the researchers. This thesis studies the multimodal metaphor in car advertisements with the specific analysis of the car advertisements. The thesis finds out that the multimodal metaphor has the static characteristic, dynamic characteristic and the persuasive function. The thesis will help people have a better understanding of multimodal metaphor and provide an important reference for the further study of the multimodal metaphor in advertisements as well.

Key words: multimodel metaphor; car advertisements; characteristic; Persuasive function





1. Introduction

1.1 Research Background .1

1.2 Research Purpose.2

1.3 Research Structure.2

2. Literature Review

2.1 An Overview on Advertising Study.3

2.2An Overview on Multimodal Metaphor in Advertisements4

3. Theoretical Framework

3.1 Definition of the Multimodal Metaphor.5

3.2 Definition of the Advertising.6

4. Analysis of Multimodal Metaphor in Car Advertising

4.1 Static Multimodal Metaphor in Car Advertising6

4.2 Dynamic Multimodal Metaphor in Car Advertising11

4.3 Persuasive Function of Multimodal Metaphor.15 

5. Conclusion15

