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Along with globalization, people get closer and closer. Thus, news plays an important role in delivering information. The language of news has its own features, and metaphor is the symbolic one. It is necessary to continue further study on metaphor for a better translation of news. On the basis of former studies, this paper puts analysis on the metaphor and strategies of translation and on the basis of functional equivalence theory, this paper explains several examples. As a result, by summarizing the strategies of metaphor in English news, the author expects to help to solve relevant problems in translation. 

Key words:news; metaphor; translation; functional equivalence theory





1 Introduction.1

2 Literature Review2

3 Theoretical Framework.3

3.1 Translation of Metaphor4

3.2 Strategies of Translation5

4 Analysis of Metaphor Translation in English News.8

4.1 Expressive Function in Metaphor Translation of News.9

4.2 Emotional Function in Metaphor Translation of News.11

4.3 Informative Function in Metaphor Translation of News.12

5 Conclusion13

References 14
