
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(王导)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-09-30
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With the continuous development of economic globalization and communication between China and other countries, there are more and more Chinese restaurants in western countries. The name of the dish is to show the information about the dish to people, and then increase customers’ appetite which can make customers consume. Chinese food is an integral part of traditional Chinese culture. Although Chinese delicacy is very unique, it can’t be as world-renowned as French food. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, one of which is the inaccuracy of translating dish names into foreign language. Therefore, it is important to make Chinese cuisine shine in cross-cultural communication. The paper includes four parts. Part One introduces the background and significance of the research. Part Two introduces the linguistic features and functions of Chinese dish names. Part Three introduces the strategies for the translation of Chinese dish names. Part Four is the conclusion. Based on the collected relevant data, the writer uses text study and case analysis method to analyze the translation strategies, which can make the translation of Chinese dishes more standardized and unified. At the same time, the English translation of Chinese dishes can help international friends deepen the understanding of Chinese traditional food culture and further spread the Chinese food culture.


Key words: Chinese delicacy; Chinese dish names; translation strategies





1 Introduction-1

2 Linguistic Features and Functions of Chinese Dish Names-3

2.1 Culture and Translation-3

2.2 Cultural Connotation Presented in Chinese Dish Names-5

2.3 Linguistic Features of Chinese Dish Names-6

2.4 Functions of Chinese Dish Names-8

3 Translation Strategies of Chinese Dish Names-9

3.1 Literal Translation-9

3.2 Literal Translation plus Explanation-10

3.3 Liberal Translation-10

3.3.1 Names with Numbers-10

3.3.2 Names with Rhetoric Sense-11

3.4 Transliteration-12

4 Conclusion-13

4.1Major Task of the Research-13

4.2 Significance-14

4.3 Limitation-14

4.4 Prospect for Further Study-14

