
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-08
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Abstract: The successful subtitle translation contributes a lot to the great reputation of the movie Kung Fu Panda 2 in China. This paper aims to analyze the appropriate translation strategies for movies of this kind. Based on the Skopos Theory, this paper mainly focuses on Chinese idioms, catchwords, annotations and puns and makes a comparative analysis on two different versions, the official version and the Ren Ren’s version, of subtitle translation of Kung Fu Panda 2. And it is concluded that the translation skopos is the center in translating, the flexible usage of multiple translation methods could help to reach the translation skopos. The goal of this paper is to help improve English to Chinese subtitle translation, and to attract more scholars to take part in the research of subtitle translation.


Key words: Kung Fu panda 2; subtitle translation; Skopos Theory; literal translation; free translation





1. Introduction-1

    1.1 Introduction to Kung Fu Panda 2-1

    1.2 Introduction to Subtitle Translation of English Films-3

2.Literature Review-4

3.Theoretical Basis-6

    3.1 Skopos Theory-6

    3.2 Basic Rules of Skopos Theory-7

    3.3 Significance of Skopos Theory-7

4. Comparative Analysis on the Subtitle Translation of Kung Fu Panda 2-10

    4.1 Chinese Idioms-10

    4.2 Catchwords-12

    4.3 Annotation-14

    4.4 Puns-15

5. Conclusion-17

