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Abstract: American college slang is one of the most active parts of American English, which is favored by most college students for its humor, brevity features and widely used in their daily communication. Under the guidance of Nida’s functional equivalence theory, this paper, through specific examples, discusses the translation techniques suitable for American college slang, i.e. literal translation, free translation, annotation and back translation. This paper aims to gain a closer access to American college slang and American college culture.


Key words: American college slang; Chinese translation; functional equivalence theory





1. Introduction-1

1.1Previous Study in Chinese Translation of American College Slang-1

1.2Purpose and Significance of this Paper-2

2. Functional Equivalence Theory-3

2.1An Overview of Functional Equivalence Theory-3

2.2 Three Principles of Functional Equivalence-4

2.3 Functional Equivalence Theory and American College Slang Translation-6

3. Chinese Translation Techniquesof American College Slang-7

3.1 Literal Translation-7

3.2 Free Translation-10

3.3 Annotation-13

3.4 Back Translation-16

4. Conclusion-18

