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Abstract: With the increasing awareness of Hangzhou, more and more foreign visitors become interested in its beautiful sceneries and unique culture. As the principal media through which foreigners can learn about Hangzhou’s culture, tourism translation plays a significant role in the development of Hangzhou tourism industry. In recent decades, many researchers and scholars have contributed to the study on tourism translation from different perspectives, in order to find some effective translation methods to advertise the tourism industry of Hangzhou. However, as one of the most important notion of pragmatics, the study of Grice's Cooperative Principle has not been more and deep enough in tourism translation. This paper is to make a tentative study on the Chinese-English translation of Hangzhou sceneries in light of Cooperative Principle, illustrating with more than 20 translation examples, revises these inappropriate translations and gives suggested translations. 


Key words: cooperative principle; tourism translation; Hangzhou sceneries





1Introduction  .1

1.1Research Background1

1.2Purpose and Significance1

1.3Literature Review2

1.4Structures of the Paper3

2Grice’s Cooperative Principle and Tourism Translation4

2.1Grice’s Cooperative Principle4

2.2Tourism Translation5

2.3Feasibility of Applying Cooperative Principle in Tourism Translation6

3 Application of the Four Maxims to the Translation of Hangzhou Sceneries.....8

3.1Maxim of Quantity: “Be Informative” .8

3.1.1The Application in Tourism Translation .8

3.1.2Example Analysis . 9


3.2Maxim of Quality: “Be Truthful” .12

3.2.1The Application in Tourism Translation .12

3.2.2Example Analysis .13


3.3Maxim of Relation: “Be Relevant” .15

3.3.1The Application in Tourism Translation .16

3.3.2Example Analysis .16


3.4Maxim of Manner: “Be Perspicuous” .19

3.4.1The Application in Tourism Translation .19

3.4.2Example Analysis .20


4Conclusion. ..23

