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Abstract: The novel Emma was written by a great British novelist Jane Austen in 1815. This novel tells a story that Emma is keen to arrange love and marriage of someone else, and finally she finds her true love. The structure of the whole story is very simple and the plot mainline is clear which has no branch and no bine.The slow speed in narrating results in the slow rhythm of the novel. Although there is no thrilling plot, the novel still has its unique simple and pastoral beauty. This thesis will analyze the narrative art of Emma from the aspects of the narrative strategies, narrative techniques and narrative time so that we can better interpret Emma, and appreciate the artistic characteristics of this work.


Key words: Emma; Jane Austen; Narratology; narrative





1. Introduction .1

1.1 Introduction of Jane Austen and Emma1

1.2 Introduction of Narratology2

2. Narrative Strategies of Emma 3

2.1 Narrative Structure of Emma3

2.2 Omniscient Narrative and Limited Narrative5

2.3 Ironic Narrative.7

   2.3.1 Definition of Irony.7

   2.3.2 Implied Author.8

   2.3.3 Irony in Emma8

3. Narrative Techniques of Emma.10

3.1 Narrative Perspective and Narrative Voice.10

3.1.1 The Observer10

3.1.2 Three Kinds of Focus.12

3.1.3 Conversion of Perspective and Voice.13

3.2 Narrative Way---Showing.14

3.2.1 Writing Technique---Description 15

3.2.2 Writing Technique---Summary.16

3.2.3 Writing Technique---Comment .16

4. Narrative Time of Emma.17

4.1 Definition of Story Time and Narrative Time.17

4.2 Narrative Time Order17

4.3 Narrative Pace and Rhythm18

5. Conclusion19

