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Abstract: English business correspondences, as an important means of international business communication activities, should be clear and specific to avoid unnecessary disputes and trouble. It seems that the pragmatic vagueness should be avoided in the writing of business correspondences. However, through the observation of the large number of business correspondences, we found out the pragmatic vagueness is widely used in all kinds of business correspondences. From the perspective of the adaption theory, this paper analyses the pragmatic vagueness phenomenon in the six major types of English business correspondences. The author reaches the conclusion that the pragmatic vagueness in English business correspondences is the inevitable result of the “language of choices”. To some extent, it is the adaption of the mental, social and physical world. The existence of pragmatic vagueness has no negative effect on both sides through the English business correspondences communication. The application of the pragmatic vagueness improves the flexible, decent and polite of the business correspondences.Therefore, the research of the pragmatic vague phenomenon in business letters shows its significance.


Key words: business correspondences; pragmatic vagueness; adaption theory; communication





1. Introduction-1

2. Literature Review-1

 2.1 The Definition of Pragmatic Vagueness-1

 2.2 Previous Studies on Vague Language at Home and Abroad-2

  2.2.1 Research on Vague Language Abroad-2

  2.2.2 Research on Vague Language at Home-2

3. The Study of Pragmatic Vagueness in Six Major English Business Correspondences-3

 3.1 Business Relations Correspondences-3

 3.2 Inquiry and Offer Correspondences-5

 3.3 Counter-offer and Counter-counter Offer Correspondences-7

 3.4 Order and Payment Correspondences-8

 3.5 Insurance and Transportation Correspondences-9

 3.6 Claim and Apology Correspondences-10

4. The Application of Adaption Theory in the Study of Pragmatic Vagueness in English Business Correspondences-12

 4.1 The Adaptation of Mental World in English Business Correspondences on Pragmatic Vagueness-13

 4.2 The Adaptation of Social World in English Business Correspondences on Pragmatic Vagueness-14

 4.3 The Adaptation of Physical World in English Business Correspondences on Pragmatic Vagueness-15

5. The Pragmatic Functions of Pragmatic Vagueness in English Business Correspondences-16

 5.1 Strengthening Language Persuasion-16

 5.2 Enhancing the Self-protection-16

 5.3 Strengthening Politeness-17

 5.4 Retaining Information-18

6. Conclusion-18

