
资料分类:英语论文 VIP会员(梦溪)分享原创毕业论文参考材料更新时间:17-10-08
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Abstract: Professor Xu is a famous poetry translator and theorist. He puts forward "Three Beauties" of verse translation and advocates that translation should keep and transfer the charm of the original poem in sound, form and sense. This paper firstly summarizes the theory of "Three Beauties", and then starts to analyze the translation of Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again which is widely circulated in the poetry field. Based on Xu Yuanchong's three beauties principle, I will carry on the contrastive analysis of the two translations by Mr.Ediard Connynkam and Ding Zuxin, Rafael, aiming to gain insight into the different translators’ different interpretations for the original poem, and to search the translators’ styles.


Key Words: Three Beauties; Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again; verse translation; two versions






1.1-An Introduction to Xu Zhimo and Saying Goodbye to Cambridge Again-1

1.2-A Brief Introduction of Two Versions-2

2-Xu Yuanchong and His Three Beauties Principle-5

2.1-An Analysis of Poem Translation-5

2.2-Research on Xu Yuanchong and His Three Beauties Principle-7

3-A Comparative Study Between the Two Versions from Three Beauties Principle-9

3.1-Three Beauties Principle in the Original Poetry-9

3.1.1-Sound Beauty-9

3.1.2-Form Beauty-10

3.1.3-Sense Beauty-12

3.2-From the Perspective of Sound Beauty and Form Beauty-13

3.3-A Comparison in the Beauty of Sense-14


