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Abstract: To Live and The Old Man and the Sea are both very famous realism works in international literary world. And they are both very representative local works in China and America, which describe concept of survival and death and are created in special historic time. The paper also analyzes the differences between the two works from the perspective of theme; characters; as well as language style; and attempt to explore the cultural factors leading to these differences.


Key words: To Live; The Old Man and the Sea; cultural difference





1. Introduction-1

1.1-To Live and The Old Man and the Sea-1

1.2 Research Review about the Two Books-2

1.3 Purpose and Significance of Study-3

2. Comparisons of To Live and The Old Man and the Sea-3

2.1 Common Points-3

2.2 Different Points between To Live and The Old Man and the Sea-5

2.2.1 Differences in Themes on Death and Survival-5

2.2.2 Differences in Characterization-6

2.2.3 Differences in Language Styles-9

3. Cultural Differences Leading to the Differences between the Two Works-11

3.1 Historical Background-11

3.1.1 American Historical Background-11

3.1.2 Chinese Historical Background-12

3.2 Individualism and Collectivism-13

3.2.1 American Individualism-13

3.2.2 Chinese Collectivism-14

3.3 Different Ways of Thinking-15

3.3.1 American Style Thinking Pattern of Hemingway-15

3.3.2 Chinese Style Thinking Pattern of Yuhua-16

4. Conclusion-17

